Lots of belated shout outs to a bunch of you fine people, and I decided to call Karen Dahlman, Mary Angel, and The Guides to get some advice on guardian angels! Fun conversation ensued that I hope will help you guys on your j...
After a record breaking month for this podcast, I decided to give you my personal story with this tool, my recent adventures, and some Ouija 101 Basics.....how to find the ON switch, how to get the batteries inserted correctl...
The fun continues with our Grand Finale presentation of Ouija October!! The Queen of Ouija herself joins us, Karen A. Dahlman!! And if you think your mind was blown with parts 1, 2, and 3 of Ouija October, let me tell you wha...
Ouija October continues with Part 3!! Baal Kadmon joins us for some truly amazing insights on this fantastic magick tool, with a lot of food for thought and some really amazing tips to keep in mind, maybe even ways to use an ...
Welcome to Ouija October! This week we have a fascinating Love Letter From Auntie Eden before we dive into part one of Ouija October! Get ready for some seriously weird history that tells the story of this episode's non-exis...
OMG!! Shasta needs a week off to prepare for the month of October!! You don't wanna miss what I have in store for you ALL MONTH LONG with a possible special Halloween presentation on the 31st. The fun starts next week!! Suppo...