Shadow Work Episodes

Shadow work is looking into the dark parts of ourselves that hold us back, and then work on those hidden aspects so that we know success!
Jan. 12, 2022

S2 E1 The Random Illusions One Year Birthday Episode!!!!

Happy Birthday to Random Illusions!! Jan.11 was the one year mark since I opened my podcast hosting site and all of this became official!! Check out what's in store for the 2022 season!! Tea Tag: "Love is where compassion pre...
Jan. 5, 2022

S2 E0 Podcast Pit Stop

It's a fast one this week, folks! Wheee! Support the show
Dec. 29, 2021

S1 E46 - Random Illusions Holiday Episode

A little bit of fun magick chat to close out the year! Auntie Eden sent an amazing End of Year message from none other than the ArchAngel Gabriel! I will catch you next year for the start of Season 2!! Tea Tag: Your soul is y...
Dec. 8, 2021

S1 E43 The Doorway to Meeting Your Guardian Angel

Happy Birthday to Agnes Moorhead who would have been 121 this week Born Dec.6, 1900, Agnes got her start in radio and is one of my all time female heroes!! This week I reviewed the book Magickal Destiny by Damon Brand. This i...
Dec. 1, 2021

S1 E42 - For Aunt Delores

Lots of stuff to cover this week!!!...and a dedication to "Aunt Delores" mother. We are starting our adventure on Guardian Angels!! Tea Tag: "Let things come to you." Fortune Cookie Slip: "Make it a rule in life ne...
Nov. 24, 2021

S1 E41 A Film Strip About Gratitude

So this week I was a tad scattered and unprepared but used what material I had ready and I think it's a good presentation. Short, sweet, and to the point, and packed full of good info to help you improve EVERYTHING!! It's lik...
Nov. 17, 2021

S1 E40 Love Letters, Listener MailBag, and Magick Stuff!!!

OMG!! It's Episode 40!! Auntie Eden sent in another love letter, we had more love letters in our Listener MailBag, a little magick challenge fun for you as you venture into the world of Gratitude Journals, an obnoxious appear...
Nov. 10, 2021

S1 E39 Gratitude Chat

A little gratitude chat and my weekend with Karen from Karen's Comfort Crystals!! Support the show
Sept. 29, 2021

S1 E33 Huge Announcement For What's In Store!!

OMG!! Shasta needs a week off to prepare for the month of October!! You don't wanna miss what I have in store for you ALL MONTH LONG with a possible special Halloween presentation on the 31st. The fun starts next week!! Suppo...
Sept. 15, 2021

S1 E31 Space for Rent, Inquire Within

The previous tenant of this space has moved on. If you would like to support the Random Illusions Podcast by renting this audio space, please contact me at for pricing and information! Various prici...
Aug. 31, 2021

S1 E29 Space for Rent, Inquire Within!

The previous tenant of this space has moved on. If you would like to support the Random Illusions Podcast by renting this audio space, please contact me at for pricing and information! Various prici...
Aug. 4, 2021

S1 E25 Magickal Protective Gear - Part 1

Let's discuss a few easy ways to cancel a curse, hack a hex, or evaporate energy that's evil! Click here for internet article by Tess Whitehurst Need a crystal? Click here for the Crystal Gemstone Shop Support the show
July 28, 2021

S1 E24 Strategies to Ensure Magickal Success, Even for Beginners

Strategies to ensure some results right out of the box! Support the show
June 9, 2021

S1 E17 New Challenge: Shadow work! New magick!

We have another magick challenge on the horizon! Let's get started on the idea of shadow work! Love it or hate it, we all need to do it! So why not make a challenge out of this and work on our dark sides together? Here are li...