Tarot Episodes

April 14, 2021

S1 E10 - Cookie Monster is in the studio - The giant dog learns to talk! And other fun stuff!

Sorry folks, I thought it would be cute to have the giant dog and his new talkie button, but he got a bit obnoxious and made me laugh! So I guess he can be considered this week's cohost! Moldavite Magick Experiment is under w...
April 7, 2021

S1 E9 The Moldavite Magick Experiment Begins!

Getting our ducks in a row for the Moldavite Magick Experiment! I go over some basics in the book, a few basic things you'll need, review the five rituals in the book, and get you all ready to start! Book: Moldavite Magick by...
March 30, 2021

S1 E8 Baal Kadmon called the Random Illusions Hotline!!

What a pleasant surprise! The man himself, Baal Kadmon, called the Random Illusions hotline and it turned into the most fun, informative, down to earth, and delightful conversation I've had in a very, very long time! It was a...
March 24, 2021

S1 E7 A new coffee mug, more magick tips, and a new segment!

New books mentioned: Advanced Candle Magick by Ray Buckland ISBN: 1-56718-103-1 The Art of HooDoo Candle Magic by Catherine Yronwode and Mikhail Strabo ISBN: 978-0-9836483-6-9 Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Money...
March 17, 2021

S1 E6 Another Easy Magick Method To Try!!

More podcast milestones to celebrate! More money magick flowing into listeners and a few new practitioners are buying books! Moldevite Magick by Baal Kadmon, available on Amazon.com as a hardcopy, Ebook, and audio book! The e...
March 10, 2021

S1 E5 More Money! More Tips! More Chat! More Magick!

More results of our money magick experiment are rolling in! If you have had any unexpected money grace your life, no matter how big or how small, drop me a line and tell me about it at magick@randomillusions.com More tips on ...
March 3, 2021

S1 E4 Milestones, Money Magick Movement, and More!

We are seeing some early results of our Podcast Money Magick efforts!! A couple of mini book reviews, a new follow along challenge, and some awesome vibes! Short book reviews: Practical Sigil Magic by Frater U.D. ISBN# 978-08...
Feb. 24, 2021

S1E3 Your First Magick Book! And other fun stuff!

Magick in the mundane....more money magick tips and suggestions. Book review! An excellent first book if you want a good starting place for your practice! "Sigils of Power and Transformation" By Adam Blackthorne https://www.a...
Feb. 16, 2021

S1E2 An Introduction to Money Magick!!!

Let's get started on a few basic concepts that will get you off on the right foot to start bringing money into your life! I pose a money magick experiment and suggest a couple good books too! Check out the new website at www....
Feb. 9, 2021

S1E1 - What is the Occult, what is Magick, and answers to other pressing life questions!

First off, my apologies for the gremlins that may have sabotaged my sound editing efforts! Please bear with me as I learn the ropes! In this episode we go over a few key definitions, a little etiquette, some food for thought,...
Feb. 1, 2021

S1 E0 - The Meet & Greet!! Informal intro episode to get acquainted!

Just a bit of an informal introduction on how this podcast got it's name, who I am, what inspired me to start this, and my first round of shout outs! Support the show
Jan. 27, 2021

PreEpisode - How to Listen to Podcasts!

This is easy, non-complicated basic information on how to start listening to podcasts! Dedicated to everybody who has expressed interests in figuring out what all this podcast stuff is all about, but you don't know where to s...
Jan. 16, 2021

Random Illusions Trailer

Podcast trailer - It's not your usual occult podcast! Podchaser A7UjMYMqgjDrSh4XbpRZ Support the show